
Sunday, May 19, 2019

Encounter ...

"Let there be light." (Gen. 1.4)
These are the first words spoken by God in the Bible.

The darkness existed in the vast emptiness, 
     and the Light was as yet unknown.
Here, from the very nature of God, 
     a greater force than darkness was released,
          and darkness was banished.

As in nature, so in the realm of the spirit,
     darkness exists but light must be created.
All the Bible echoes with the theme - an eternal battle between two immensely
powerful forces.
All through the Bible men echo the cry, 
in a search for the clarity of Life.

"Where is the way where Light dwelleth?" (Job 38.19)
Light is when who I am, meets who He, God, is. 
           It is a meeting between infinite Provision and infinite Need,
                between the measurelessness of Eternity and the poverty of Time.
Beyond the demonstration of God's power in this working,
this encounter with Infinite Love and Infinite Grace impacts and transforms.

Here is a seeing of all that in which we have dimly believed without seeing - 
a place where all imaginings are swallowed up and lost in the Greater Reality of God Himself.
The Light which we have dimly seen among the shadows is there made brighter than the noon-day sun.

The sands of time decline, and it is our lot to live in a darkening world.
The call of God is to a people who will respond and unceasingly seek until they find in Him,
     beyond all weakness,
          and beyond all excuses,
               and beyond all the enemy's opposition
                    the all-encompassing,
                         all transforming revelation,
                              of the True Light, in His coming to them.