Monday, April 20, 2020
The Last Days
Isaiah chapter two, verses 1 - 5, speaks of the last days,
This is the time when man's days,
the time when man did according to his own will,
are ended.
A time when the things which are done in God's Name,
but of which He knows nothing are ended.
This is the time when God steps in and man's government on the earth is judged.
This is when the true is separated from the false.
This is when God's children respond to His call and "go up" from every earth born thing to be taught of God alone.
Creation groans (Rom 8.22) in its waiting.
God's true church groans also, unsatisfied with the smallness of the measure of God in the midst of those who think they know of the Kingdom.
But there is a certainty here: "it shall come to pass."
We will be beyond uncertainty in that day.
It won't be man anymore, it will be God's day and God's working.
The nations "shall flow" to the Lord's house ... reminds me of a missionary who prayed for eight years that God would move.
God spoke to him of the animals entering the ark - God drew them,
and so He would bring people to His Kingdom.
Later multitudes came and lives were touched with the working of God.
It is not we who build the church, only God can do this.
here we see an Exalted God,
and a Responding people.
And there will be "Law and the Word of the Lord" (vs. 3) in that day and in that place.
Law is the defining rule of conduct .. nothing wishy washy, nor lax.
A clear way shall be there.
And a Word... a Creative Word, bestowing Life wherever it is heard.
And there will be Judgement there - a Separation of that which is Right from that which is not.
A separation of that which has Value from that which is without value.
And there shall be Peace, "neither shall they learn war anymore."
Verse two starts with "the Lord's house,"
and verse five is an invitation to the house of Jacob,
(not Israel, but Jacob before he was called Israel - weak, deceitful and deceived.)
"Let us walk in the Light of the Lord." This is the end,
and to this all things lead,
to walk again with God as it was in the beginning in Eden,
before there was sin and death and sickness.
Let us be of those who respond today,
those who "go up" to the mountain.
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Amen and Amen!