
Friday, August 30, 2019


In heaven we will see with a clarity which we have never known on earth.

Here on our physical earth, the dust and the reflection of earthly lights impede our ability to see the stars.
And yet, in places far from civilization, we sometimes get a glimpse of different  skies.
We see a realm of more transparent clarity,
     a place where the empty places are filled with points of light -
          a place where what we knew before is seen as pitifully limited. 

So it is with that heaven where God dwells.
     Our earthly eyes are blind to the fullness of that spiritual dimension.
          We see so many empty spaces -
               places where our lack is more evident than God's fullness.

And yet, even as we live in the earthly sphere, we are surrounded by the dimensions of a Heavenly Kingdom.

Creation cries to be delivered from the bondage of its fallen state -
     and the cry of the heart of a child of God is for open eyes, 
          to see the fullness which exists in Him.

Man is never complete until the work of God's salvation is complete in him.
     It is so until we turn from earth, and walk in the illumination of heaven's Light.
          There shadows grow thin and disappear,

               there the earthly dimness which surrounds us,
                    is replaced with the Light which is not born of earth.

As the Christian looks Godward,
    He sees a New Creation -
          "all things have become New." (2Cor.5.17)

Thursday, August 22, 2019


"Looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith." (Heb. 12.2)

It is a very simple statement; easy to be understood, 
but hard to put into practice.

Life offers us so many other places to look,
     proffers us so many pathways to walk,
          offers so many "solutions" for our needs,
               dizzies us with so many choices.

David declared, "My heart is fixed." (Ps. 57.7)
Wonderful place to be - a heart fixed "looking unto Jesus." 
Again, Spurgeon's testimony, "I could have almost looked my eyes away."
     What a decision, what a determination,
          what a conviction that in Christ was the answer. 

Fallen mankind has a fixation with trying to understand in order to experience.
     Looking is a far simpler process.
     In looking that which is seen enters the life  far more directly.
     To see, is to absorb what is seen in all its essence,
     without any need of "interpretation."
We say 'now I see,' when the import of a thing becomes clear,
and doubts and misunderstanding fade away.

So how do we find faith, and all the life which God offers us?
The answer is simply by Looking,
     simply letting all our longings find their focus in Jesus,
          simply lifting our eyes to look beyond all our fears, 
               simply gazing beyond whatever tries to stamp itself on our vision.
It is a returning again and again, to the One Who brought us to spiritual birth.
It is a determination not to allow one single thing to claim any place beside Him.

The looking is far from merely seeking that we might comprehend.
In our look, we gaze upon the Source of Life.
We see the fountain flowing out toward us.
We feel the quickening in all our being, of ever-increasing, all-overcoming, 
eternal Life.

                             There is no other Author of Life, 
                     no other sustenance of Life than Jesus.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

What is Lost

Comes to mind the song "The Lost Chord," whose music was written a hundred and fifty years ago by Arthur Sullivan.
The song speaks of the joy of finding a chord of unknown heavenly music,
and the frustration at losing it again.

The music is merely the symbol, illustrating something greater and more essential.
The song speaks of the human condition.
It speaks of the frustration of vainly trying to find that which has been lost
- a something deep within, inexplicable in words, and incomprehensible to the mind.

What mankind cannot find is Life;
     and there is a yearning, 
         an unsatisfied longing which never passes, 
              but rather takes ever deeper root throughout the passing years. 

As worship, which must be in spirit (Jn. 4.24), so with our seeking and finding any part of the spiritual realm.
          The mind merely follows on where the heart has gone.
"Bring my soul out of prison, that I may praise thy name." (Ps. 142.7)
As the Jews to whom Jesus spoke, we may think we are free and yet be bound by so many things. (Jn. 8.33,34)

Freedom and Life is ours, as we lift our eyes and our hearts above all that surrounds,
and leave all our being - our hopes, longings, and fears - at the feet of the Master.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

God's Coming

The Bible starts with God coming,
     God speaking,
          God creating.

The Bible ends with  "Come."
His coming, and His working, is the source of all things, natural and spiritual.
God alone, is the Author and Sustainer of all things.

"Seek ye me, and ye shall live," says God. (Amos 5.4)
     This is an unchanging truth for all time.
          This is a promise for every moment of every day.
               On this all our life depends.

Here is the Light for every day,
the strength for every trial,
the quickening for our souls in every moment of human insufficiency.

David declares,  "I have set the Lord always before me:
because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved." (Ps. 16.8)
This is the way of seeking:
there is an "Always" - an undeviating longing for that which is not yet known,
     There is a "setting before" - a concentrated focus of energies,
          God's Presence "at my right hand" is the ground of certainty,
               and "unmovableness" is the result of this commitment.

"We see through a glass darkly" (1Cor. 13.12),
     if we could only find an ever clearer vision,
          how our lives would be lifted above the uncertainties 

          that shadow human existence.

May we not have to wait until arrive in heaven to know 

the certainty of His nearness,  
and the sureness of His ever-flowing Life.
     In the midst of life let this be our unalterable commitment,
                  "I have set the Lord always before me."

Saturday, August 10, 2019


“For all the promises of God in Him are Yea, and in Him Amen.” 

Today definitions have changed.
Words have become toxic.
And the enemy is using language to destroy the significance relied upon 
for generations.
Political correctness has twisted meanings 
until they have become unrecognizable.

Look for instance at the word, "freedom:"
When the Puritans spoke of “freedom” they meant the freedom to  
follow God while obeying His laws;
somewhat like the safety we have to travel in our cars, 
while we circulate according to the laws of the road.

“Freedom,” as it is interpreted today, means the casting off of all restraint
in order to follow whatever whims we feel, without regard to time,
or place, or any fellow being.
God has been written out of the picture, and unfettered human 
degeneration has been permitted in His place.

Look at man's "rights:"
We live in a time when if a sector of society likes a thing it is enough to 
provide vindication and confer legitimacy upon it.

A destruction, from a boundless stupidity of chaos, seems to cover all:
A “Christian” celebrity feels a surge of happiness when she hears 
someone speak of the Almighty as “she.”
Other Christians see the need to adapt the unchanging laws of God to 
modern thinking.
In the Bible God created mankind “male and female.” (Gen. 1.29)
- now gender has become whatever one chooses it to be.
And the list goes on, in every area, without constraint.

When the Roman empire was beginning to fall apart,
Augustine wrote his famous book on The City of God, 
and spoke of a Kingdom, not of earth,
a Kingdom which knows no decay.
So today, in the midst of the decay of earthly systems, 
the Kingdom of God stands unchanged and unchangeable.

Heb. 12.28 says, "we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace,whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear."

We receiving 
     - that which is beyond the reach of change,
          beyond the reach of decay,
               beyond the reach of sin's destruction.

We receiving - 
     the changeless things which are the gift of a unchanging God.

We receiving -
Life which, in its length, and breadth, and height, and depth, is Eternal.

We need not change with the shifting tides of man's opinions because our 
God changes not.

“For all the promises of God in Him are Yea, and in Him Amen.” 


Monday, August 5, 2019

By the Spirit

"For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." (Rom. 8.14)
There are two kinds of Christians:
those who are led by the Spirit, 
and those who are primarily led by the mind.
Led by the mind ... 
when the mind leads the way through life:
when the Word of God is seen through the medium of human understanding,
when life's challenges are untangled through a process led by thinking,
when life's emotions are controlled by a reasoning process,
when everything is ordered and regulated by the capacities of the mind.
The process ends when the mind is overwhelmed -
defeat comes:
when there are no answers to be had,
when there is no way to advance,
when the burdens increase and the body finds itself without strength to carry on.
This is the limit of human capability, but God offers another Way.
His Spirit is given to take over the control of life.
He is the Light for our darkened understanding.
He is the Strength for our weak endeavors.
God's ways are not our ways - but in His ways freedom is to be found.
In His ways there is all provision, at all times, for all needs.
Years ago Any Carmichael said, "God trusts us to trust Him."
This is the way of the Spirit - 
a depositing all our resources at God's feet,
a forsaking of all self determination, 
and a clinging to God alone for all our needs.
When we see God as the Answer to all of life,
when we see that there is nothing hidden or unknown to Him,
when we give everything human into His hands,
then His Spirit will lead us in sure paths.
"There is no want to them that fear Him." (Ps. 34.9)