
Friday, August 30, 2019


In heaven we will see with a clarity which we have never known on earth.

Here on our physical earth, the dust and the reflection of earthly lights impede our ability to see the stars.
And yet, in places far from civilization, we sometimes get a glimpse of different  skies.
We see a realm of more transparent clarity,
     a place where the empty places are filled with points of light -
          a place where what we knew before is seen as pitifully limited. 

So it is with that heaven where God dwells.
     Our earthly eyes are blind to the fullness of that spiritual dimension.
          We see so many empty spaces -
               places where our lack is more evident than God's fullness.

And yet, even as we live in the earthly sphere, we are surrounded by the dimensions of a Heavenly Kingdom.

Creation cries to be delivered from the bondage of its fallen state -
     and the cry of the heart of a child of God is for open eyes, 
          to see the fullness which exists in Him.

Man is never complete until the work of God's salvation is complete in him.
     It is so until we turn from earth, and walk in the illumination of heaven's Light.
          There shadows grow thin and disappear,

               there the earthly dimness which surrounds us,
                    is replaced with the Light which is not born of earth.

As the Christian looks Godward,
    He sees a New Creation -
          "all things have become New." (2Cor.5.17)

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