
Saturday, January 7, 2017

How can we hear?

How can we hear?

When there are so many voices c
When so many clueless writers flood us with so many clueless words?
When so many who try to enlighten us are themselves living in shadows?

Let us Live this year in fulness of Life.
Let us Live by shutting ourselves off from the world around - from its humdrum existence and its insistent clamor.

Let us concentrate all our attention to find that which is not of this world, to find in God a Living Fountain, a Quickening Flame and a faith which will triumph day by day by day.


  1. It is certainly the them on Father's heart in this season, brother Paul.

    The pat 30 years, here in the US- the mass exodus out of dead religious gatherings has resulted in a lack of true discipleship, true elders (not by title but by spiritual authority-those who have learned true, deep intimacy with Christ) and those who are too young to be so quick to speak.

    I am praying for Father said are hidden to begin coming forth to speak with the authority that is birthed out of this quiet time you speak of.

    Communion with the Living Fountain indeed....

    Thank you

    David Murry NY
